We’ll miss being Franctal Studio. We hope you join us in getting used to being called Studio Belle. Come along with us www.studiobelle.ca

Join our Growing Online Community

[heading animated=none titlebottomspace=”” headingstyle=”default” customfontweight=”” customfontsize=”” marginbottom=”60″ width=”” descstyle=”none” description=”Our online communities are exclusive Facebook groups where we share studio updates, special offerings and just fun interaction with other awesome people.” top=”10″ bottom=”10″ size=”1″ title=”Join our Growing Online Community” titlecolor=”” align=”center”]

[photocard_two animated=none video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_webm=”” background_color=”” content_color=”default” imageid=”2625″ image_block=”right” text_align=”center” button=”Click to Join Group” button_link=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/franctalstudio/” image=”https://franctal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/family-1-3-copy.jpg” title=”Join Remember it with Photographs by Franctal Studio” subtitle=”Family Portraits & Personal Branding “]Our heart is to create exceptional portraits of your loved ones that celebrate your legacy and become art that is worthy of prominent display in your home.  The significant portrait goes far deeper than just a pretty picture. It strengthen\'s family bonds, preserves our legacy, and makes a statement to the world that in this home, nothing comes before family. It is a constant reminder to everyone that beyond the daily cares of life, nothing is more important – that they belong to a family that loves them.[/photocard_two]

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[photocard_two animated=none video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_webm=”” background_color=”” content_color=”default” imageid=”3067″ image_block=”right” text_align=”center” button=”Click to Join Group” button_link=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/fabulous50plus/” image=”https://franctal.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Fabulous50lus-project-by-Franctal-Studio5.jpg” title=”Join our Fabulous50Plus Community” subtitle=”For Fabulous 50+ women “]It\'s your time to be seen, and celebrated. It\'s time to fall in love with yourself again. Let’s shine a light on the accomplishments, wisdom and beauty of amazing women over 50 —like you — all around Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley with Magazine-Style Portrait Experience. You will be a super model for a day![/photocard_two]

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[photocard_two animated=none video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_webm=”” background_color=”” content_color=”default” imageid=”3444″ image_block=”right” text_align=”center” button=”Click to Join Group” button_link=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/intimateportraitsbyfranctalstudio/” image=”https://franctal.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/franctal-studio-intimate-portraits-metro-vancouver-1023.jpg” title=”Join our Intimate Portraits Community” subtitle=”boudoir & intimates portrait only”]Confidence + Celebration
Creating a space where you can be un-apologetically you – a space where you can connect with who you really are and let your inner beauty shine. Our boudoir and intimate portraits group is encourage only for women not less than 25. Our goal is to create portraits that celebrate you and reflect your personality. The goal of intimate portraits is far from making you look sexy. It is taking our confidence back, especially as women who may have been made to feel less than we are because of it. It\'s time to celebrate YOU![/photocard_two]